If it doesn’t hurt – it doesn’t count!

“Red is the color of Redemption; it is the colour of fire and blood.” – 1st Ludmillan Dictate

What’s that Klovis?


Ah yeah, Necromunda time. Got this gang churned out in a few hours today, start to finish, and despite the fact that their hazard stripes are dangerously wonky I quite like how they look at table distance. The gangers have stripes painted on their guns so I can tell which one is which, as I never liked painting numbers on to bases.

These guys will be my starting gang as I try to re-learn Necromunda after a very long time, and then I’ll add Redemptionists in as I get more confident. Really looking forward to painting their robes.


“Our ladie is gonne, an all joys pass wyth her. Wyll you nott join us yn the hunt?”

The Oldhammer inspired  banner is something I really like on these guys – it may not be particularly well executed, but it’s the best I can do at the moment and I love the way it came out.

The armour on the lady knight was given a basecoat of VMA Silver which is unbelievably pretty. I kept turning the model around in my hands under a lamp to look at the shine and was quite tempted to keep it mostly metal, although the need to keep the hunting party consistent put paid to that.

I realise I have not yet created any ‘good’ guys for The Dark Age of Sigmar, so my next warband will be a Witch Hunter and his retinue, but have no fear, he’ll be just as evil and twisted as the next man*.

*or mutant, or daemon, or…


Next up directly however is going to be some House Cawdor gangers – I’ve got my first Necromunda game in more than a decade coming up on Tuesday and suffice it to say their paintjob needed to be… refreshed.

Ex Profundis Feature

Well, by all that is dark and unholy – pictures of my models and words what I did wrote have been published in an article on Ex Profundis – that Mecca of macabre and twisted miniatures and stories. Thanks so much to Jake (Bruticus) for featuring me on there and I hope you guys will pop over and have a look. His site is absolutely beautiful as well, which helps.

Read the article here – http://www.exprofundis.com/dark-age-sigmar-rottwoode/

A Long Break

Aiyah, sorry about that. Work always goes mental over Christmas and then it’s hard to find the will to start blogging again, but I’m back now (as much as I ever am). And in true me spirit, I’ve got a new set of inspirations and projects without finishing my old ones.

The Elektrik Mausoleum INQ28 project is on hold for now, while I work on something that’s caught my interest – AoS28, or The Dark Age of Sigmar. AoS caught my attention when it first came out for it’s simplicity and possible low model count – I stopped playing fantasy before the game turned into batch painting huge blocks of Core that served as nothing but expensive wound counters and praying the wizard doesn’t kill you but the rules (if not the setting) for AoS seemed very interesting. I bought a few models and battletomes and mucked around with it for a bit before being sucked back into 40K via INQ28 over on the ammobunker and I’ve spent most of my time back in the hobby since then in the grim darkness of the far future.

Then I head about Hinterlands, a fan supplement for AoS which allowed for small, characterful skirmish gaming at a very low model count with huge potential for customisation and narrative gaming and I though it sounded great. Then Bruticus from Ex Profundis started up an INQ28 inspired AoS/Hinterlands and the die was cast.

I’ll probably be making quite a few warbands out of this, inspired in equal parts by the old Realms of Chaos books, Ratspike and whatever else is squelching around my fevered brain. First up though, a lovesick vampire and his chums.

Ever since his wife died,  Malur Grimshade has travelled the realms in search of the Chalice of Resurrection, the only thing capable of returning her to him. Many things have changed since he set out centuries ago – his retainers have lost the very flesh from their bones, and he has been altered from a mortal man to a creature of darkness and hunger. His quest consumes him still and may forever, the shade of his wife forever driving him on in guilt, madness and bloodlust.


Fair warning though, I’ve also been hanging around the Oldhammer lot recently, so this blog may soon play host to some agéd lead.