Crisis Averted?

Disaster struck while priming the Brass Thief. Everything seemed fine until I took a closer look at the model while it was drying and the ancient curse of white primer had struck again – he looked like I’d covered him in PVA and rolled him in sand. There was no hope in stripping him as he was made from about 30-something tiny pieces which would all fall apart in the customary dettol bath. I decided to soldier on, hoping it would just give him an aged metal appearance and I think I may have (just) managed to accomplish that.

Is he alright or should I hang my head in shame?


As a sidenote, I usually use little to no gore effects on my models at all, lest they look like the creations of a particularly morbid 12 year old, but on this occasion it not only fit the background but also helped to cover up the horrendous primer.

I’ve also been reading about the Halo Stars, and the Halo Devices in particular recently. Inspired in part from it’s vaguely Lovecraftian undertone (and the trailer for the new Genestealer Cult codex, which I have some plans in motion for) I thought I could make something that once used to be a human, a long time ago. I’ll be writing fluff for him once he’s painted up but for now all he has is a name. He probably can’t remember what it was.

Herod Puginus:


I’m really happy with the head as it resembles a creature from a Judge Dredd comic (Prog 503 I believe) which terrified me as a child, the Vark. I stayed away from bushes for a long time after reading that one.

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