By The Lights Of Perverted Science

The latest in my ongoing adventure into hypocrisy – despite saying a few posts ago that I don’t like posting WIP pics – here are some WIP pics.

Over on the AoS28 facebook page Bruticus of Ex Profundis fame is running an event/competition/thing called The Eclipse, and to enter you have to convert and paint a Witch Hunter miniature. Not your normal buckled hat and pistol for me though. No, for me it’s this bloke.

Dr Orfeo Felmance, a Doktor of Natural Physik and follower of the now outlawed Galvanyc philosophy, he strives to bring order and sterility to nature by creating new and improved creatures. He hunts witches along with his retinue as they disturb the calm and sterility of his laboratory with their babbling and filth and harvests from their followers the more intriguing mutations they display.

The event itself calls for only one miniature, the Hunter themself, but I can’t resist making him a retinue of his creations and followers. I’ll be getting him painted up first though – I’m really going to put some effort in and try and get him looking the best I can. I think I’ve been getting sloppy with my painting recently and getting results I’m just not happy with, so he’ll be the first step towards upping my game in that respect.

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